Selling your Shared Ownership property

If you are already a WHT resident and have decided it’s time to move on and looking to sell your home we offer the following guidance:-

Selling your Shared Equity home is a similar process to selling a privately owned, open market property. It is helpful if you can find a buyer for your home before committing to your next purchase.

We are always sad to see our current property owners move on but happy to see those residents fulfil their desire to own 100% of their own home. It always gives us great delight to welcome the next person onto the property ladder.

Once you have definitely decided to sell your home, please see our selling process below.


Winchester Housing Trust Selling Process

  • The first step to selling your home is for you to notify us in writing of your intention to sell.
  • You will then be required to appoint a RICS (Registered Institute for Chartered Surveyors) registered Surveyor to carry out a valuation of your home. You can use any person or company carrying this qualification. Their charges can vary so we advise you shop around to get the best deal. This cost will be shared with us, Winchester Housing Trust.
  • Once you have received your valuation, you will need to submit this to us where we will discuss and agree the sale price of the property.
  • The property will then go on to  This service is free.
  • You are entitled to appoint an estate agent to help you sell your home, however any buyer must be registered with Help To Buy and any costs incurred with using an estate agent are the responsibility of the seller.
  • You will be contacted by us with potential viewings which can be managed by you.
  • Once you have found a buyer, you will need to instruct your own solicitors and the sale process will commence.
  • There is a £600 administration and legal fee which will need to be paid to us upon completion.