Report an issue


Request a repair to your property

Communal Areas

Report a communal area issue

Antisocial Behaviour

Report antisocial behaviour

Our service standards

As part of our service to tenants we will:

  • Aim to acknowledge all online, email and telephone enquiries within two working days and let you know the course of action we will be taking. (please note this will differ at the weekends when we only take emergency calls).
  • If your repair or fault is considered urgent one of our contractors will be in touch with you within 24 hours. Examples of urgent repairs are:-
    a. Lack of hot water or heating
    b. Severely leaking pipes which could cause water damage
    c. An electricity failure
    d. An issue affecting the security of your property
    e. A repair that is deemed necessary to avoid the risk of injury to people or damage to buildings and property
    If your repair is not urgent we will contact you to explain what category your repair falls into and what timescale you can expect in order to have someone out to look at it. Our repairs and maintenance policy is available here Repairs and Maintenance Policy - WHT
  • Once our contractor has been appointed you will be contacted to arrange access with an appointment date and time. If you are not happy to be contacted by our contractor directly, please let us know. We might also ask whether there are any health issues or factors which the contractor will need to take into consideration. We will do what we can to accommodate your availability for access to resolving the fault or repair to your home but will also need your co-operation and flexibility.
  • Your gas boiler by law requires checking every year and we will provide contractors with your contact details.